Friday, August 7, 2009

we are one of few... or not

floating in the vast, black emptiness of space must be a lonely existence.

Floating far away from the music, the lights, the smells, and the grit of a solar system, it's like living in the galactic countryside. a few farmers houses, vast open ranges of grains, simplicity in every direction as far as the eye can see. Wind is pretty much the only thing you share, like in the interstellar space between our star and the other stars in our galaxy... a few hydrogen and helium atoms floating around, whizzing past, on their own journeys.

I imagine my mother listening to Michael Jackson songs on YouTube at full volume, connected to the internet, simultaneously reading emails and taking calls, feeding the cat.... and I imagine myself in our vast, dark backyard, out in the dewy midnight grass, staring at the glowing window, hearing the distant thud of "Billie Jean's not my lover"... but surrounded immediately by a lack of sensory input. The grass itself, is far more sensory input than you'd experience floating out in the raw emptiness of interstellar space... and that's just within the Milky Way Glaxy. Imagine yourself in Intergallactic Space. A billion of light years away from anything. As if you could tell the difference... A billion light years might as well be a hundred yards.

Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl who claims I am the one...

Staring out at the sky in every direction would look somewhat analagous to what you see when you look up on a clear night. Stars, except, in every direction for a total of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, if each had an average of 9 planets... well you do the math.

My point is that there are definitely other sentient beings out there, even if it's very few of them. We have tiny microscopic little eyes pointed out at them, called telescopes, and I can nearly guarantee you the futility in finding other sentient beings out there before we use up every possible resource on our planet there is so much electronic noise out in the universe we'd be lucky to hear someone else trying to send out a signal. Human beings in our current form will most certainly not exist when whatever organic matter that originated on our planet comes to know this.

The communal goal of humanity needs to be to get off this planet, mine other planets, constantly be researching and figuring out everything around the goal of finding these others in the universe... because we really need to confer with them and find out what the hell we're all doing here. It will take thousands of generations to find others in the universe and we better get busy doing this, or get busy dying.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

we're not going to take it

Americans are reluctant to buy Chinese toys and food because of the health risks and bad ingredients, and the occasionally sickened American child, or discovery of toxic chemicals in a toy. But we're torn because Chinese products are so cheap and ubiquitous, that it's hard to find something totally made in America anymore (This is all not to mention that America includes NORTH, CENTRAL and SOUTH America. I don't think they have $60/hour union auto laborers in Mexico, my friends)

Well I have always touted that over time our standard of living in this country will fall, and the rest of the world will be lifted up. Somewhere inbetween the golden years of the USA and the terrible payment and labor practices of the Chinese, the future will lay.

This is one story about a Chinese worker who was abused, intimidated and possibly tortured and finally killed himself over the stress of his job in China, making products for rich Americans:

While I totally wanted to buy this product, I was well aware of the fact that Apple hires Chinese companies and keeps the product price low because they make their workers work very long days and pay them, basically, shit. And it was the choice of this employee to kill himself, probably, unless someone "pushed" him out of a window.

See, I bet that Apple's secrecy policy is that there is a potential that FoxConn could lose their contract with Apple if too many of their secrets get out. And it was likely this man who caused the leak of the iPhone case photos online in the USA, which at one point Steve Jobs mentioned in his keynote address revealing the iPhone to the world. FoxConn, operating in an environment where abuse, torture, and intimidation is an accepted practice, would then employ those tactics to keep their workers quieted--China.

All of this for what? So that apple can have secrecy on its next-of-kin portable phone/computer device and an insider can invest heavily before the rollout occurs, and sell after the spike in price....

Another story that shows how neither authoritarian communism not free-market unregulated democratic capitalism work. I'm not a socialist or a communist, but the world has been trending in that direction more and more over the past 5,000 years. It's simply undeniable. More and more the people are in charge. More and more the markets are being regulated and shaped and controlled by the government of the people and not of a monarch, emperor or nepotistically chosen-one.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

a little argentine limerick that sounds cute

el zapatito me aprieta
la media me da calor
y el muchachito de enfrente
me tiene loco de amor

- My mom said this last night for absolutely no reason and it cracked me up